About Rhiannon
Rhiannon Fink, MA, LPC, LAC
As your therapist, I think of myself as your co-journeyer through the A’s of Change: Awareness, Acceptance, and Action. My approach includes down-to-earth conversation, asking the right questions to help you discover your own truth, deep care, a sense of humor, and the healing power of relationship. My goal is to help you create a life worth living based on your values, and live that life on purpose.
My work lies at the intersection of psychodynamic/contemporary psychoanalytic psychotherapy and addiction counseling with a focus on trauma-informed care. I’m specialized in helping those whose lives have been touched by substance abuse—either their own or that of a family member—and worked in addiction treatment at every level of care prior to going into private practice. I hold a master’s degree in Integral Counseling Psychology from California Institute of Integral Studies, a master’s degree in Performance Studies from New York University, and a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Modern Dance from The College of Wooster. I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Addiction Counselor in Colorado.
If you’re ready to thrive, not just survive, let's walk this path together.